Indigo Children

LifeSpider System™ for Indigo Children

  • The LifeSpider™ makes it possible for the Indigo Child to focusing in diversity instead of holding back their creativity.
  • A LifeSpider™ is a ‘record’ of what is right for the individual Indigo Child.
  • With The LifeSpider™ the Indigos Child are secured that everything they are doing is connected to their deepest essence.
  • The LifeSpider™ gives the Indigo Child acknowledge about their unique potential.
  • With the LifeSpider™ the Indigo Child have their blueprint how to live their life according to their purpose and unique identity.

LifeCompetencies™ for Indigo Children

  • Lifecompetencies™ gives the Indigo Child confirmation about what they already ‘know’, ‘this is how humans and world is working’.
  • The Lifecompetencies™ is a practical tool for Indigo Children to grow and use their ability to the next level.


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